Environmental Services
Consultech Environmental offers in-house expertise and capacity to provide a wide range of Environmental planning and assessment services ranging from Phase I Environmental Site Surveys to multimedia environmental compliance assessments. Additionally, our history of successfully dealing with regulatory agency requirements has enabled us to provide our clients with quality end results and significant cost-savings for their environmental compliance solutions.
Consultech provides a broad range of environmental services to satisfy our clients’ needs including:
- Phase I and Phase II Environmental Site Assessments
- Property Transfer Evaluations
- Air Ventilation Studies
- Fugitive Emissions Sampling
- Air Duct, Fume Hood, and Commercial Kitchen Ventilation Cleaning
- Asbestos/Lead Sampling & Analyses
- Industrial Hygiene Studies
- Natural Disaster Management/Cleanup
- Natural/Cultural Resources

Representative Projects
USACE, Omaha District
Task 1: Ecosystem Management – Work includes assessment of raptor species and habitat restoration, including invasive weed management, grassland bird surveys, and wetlands monitoring.
Task 2: PCS Contaminated Soil Excavation – Prepare excavation and investigation work plans for excavation of petroleum contaminated soils (PCS) at a Child Development Center site at Holloman AFB; excavate and treat 2,100 cubic yards of PCS in a permitted facility and return treated soils to excavation for backfill; collect and analyze confirmatory soil samples and install and sample four groundwater monitoring wells; and submit a site closeout report to New Mexico Environmental Department.
NIEHS, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina
Project consist of the annual contract for the collection of spent and new installation of hazardous, non-hazardous and radiological filter changes associated with the research laboratories fume hoods and ductwork system, commonly referred to as Bag In/Bag Out HVAC Chamber network. The waste streams are generated as part the organizations continuing efforts in the research and development of various cancer related and health related cures. The work consisted of the quarterly Level “C” removal and packaging as-needed of spent pre-filters, HEPA and Carbon filters for transportation and disposal. Once the filters are removed new filters are installed where needed along the filter banks and pressure flows are checked to determine air flow and assure the system is operating within manufacturer’s specifications. Additionally, diagnostics services are performed for nonfunctioning air flow, magnehelic gauge readings, ductwork leaks, mechanical valves, solenoids, actuator arms and linkages. Actual sampling, characterization, transportation and disposal of waste streams are handled by others. This is a base year contract, with 5 option years for renewal. The project has currently completed the base year and started option year 3.
Durham Housing Authority (DHA), North Carolina
Consultech Environmental has been contracted by the DHA to complete a Phase I Environmental Assessment and testing for environmental hazardous materials for up to fifteen housing developments. The service required is for multi-family dwellings, single family units, and vacant parcels of land. All Phase I reports are prepared in accordance with the ASTM E 1527 requirements. Scope of work includes preparation of O & M plans when required.